A short discription about my work in English: Everything I do with my clients has the aim to free them from:

- Limitations

- Old patterns which reduce their personality

- Pain, through the active integration of it

In my work you will find three ways to learn how to be more relaxed, more attentive and to have more energy in daily life. This three ways are very good in combination with eachother and will built upon eachother. Everything I teach and practice I practiced by myself for many years and found the essences in every methode I learned.

I am very happy to teach out of my full experience. I will support you to become more attentive, more relaxed and stronger for your own life-path.


The way of breathing therapy and body therapy:

It is a process of regular sessions each week or each second week. In the sessions we work on your patterns which are limiting you in your life.

You will learn to deal with fear, pain and stress, and find new ways to become more energized and develope constructive solutions. So whenever you feel blocked out by strong emotions you can grip back on methods you learn in my sessions.


The use of treatment depends on the kind of pain, tension, pressure, thightness or other unwelcome sensessions you are suffering.

The work on muscles with trigger points and on the fascia, in combination with other treatments, is very efficient to feel more relaxed and better after the sessions.


Or you want just a nice oil massage? You will find pleasure and relaxation on different levels and in deep layers.


The way of yoga and meditation:

You learn to practice yoga and you learn to meditate.

These two exercise methods make your body and your mind stronger. You will be able to cope better with stressful situations. You will feel a deep feeling of trust in your life, which is very satisfactory.

More about the concept of my work is written in the following book, from my personal teacher:

The e-book from Avi Grinberg about fear, pain and other friends is now available.

Have a free copy